Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

Analysis of Silence of Love's Ads (Thai Life Insurance)

Question :

1. Why the advertisment show a daughter and her father? Message from the advertismet?
Because usually a father and a daughter were having a deep connection for each other. A father was sometimes be a man figure fo his daughter and  a daughter could remind her father to his wife.
The message is as a father, he has a responsibility to protect his daughter and one of the way to protect his daughter is by insurance their health.
2. Why for the insurace's ads, the ads is showed by sad shades? (Fear) If yes, then explain!
The ads wants to create a touching moments through the story line. It's like the ads saying that if you didn't want to ended up like what the ada showed  then use the insurance.
3. Why in this advertisment use the poor people? (While an insurance was mostly intended for suffiency people)
You can see the part when the deaf man (a father) said to a doctor to take all his money and even his house to safe his daughter. This ads tells you that if this situation happened to you (audiance) then you don't have to sell your house and lost your money. Just count on this insurance.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

Filosofi Kacamata

Oleh Farakh Khoirotun Nasida

Kotak hitam kelam itu masih ada di dekat jendela
Mengintip datangnya fajar dan menunggu pulangnya senja
Menanti hujan mereda dan pelangi yang datang setelahnya
Pelangi? Ah, ya. Ia begitu menantinya

Ia sudah terlalu lelah berdiri di tepian jendela
Sementara debu semakin menebalkan diri di atasnya
Serta hembusan angin meniupkan sepi
Ia masih tenggelam dalam bisunya

Kemarin ia berbincang denganku, sepatu tua di sudut meja
Ada benda yang bersemayam dalam gelapku ini, katanya
Benda usang yang enggan lagi dipergunakan sang empunya
Sementara ia masih mengharapkan pelangi datang setelahnya

Ia adalah sepasang lensa yang  sama sekali berbeda
Kanan lebih tebal dari sebaliknya
Tak seperti aku yang harus selalu sama
Aku ingin memandang pelangi bersama pemilikku lagi, katanya

Sementara aku telah lupa bagaimana rasanya dicinta

Benarkah harus selalu sama untuk saling melengkapi?

Kamis, 21 Januari 2016

Analysis Pentene's Ads

Story line of this ads:
1. There was a little girl who wants to play a violin but she is deaf.
2. She always be bullied by her friends.
3. There was an old man, he was playing a violin too.
4. The girl wants to play violin again.
5. The girl told her condition to the old man.
6. The old man give her motivation and another violin for her.
7. The girl follows a competition.
8. A girl who likes to bullied her is also joining the competition.
9. Finally the deaf girl win the competition because of the shampoo (Pentene) makes her hair shine.

So what's the connection between the story line with the shampoo product and the statement of "you can shine"
> From the first, she's not using pentene so she's not confident and by using pentene she can shine and feel cofident. We can see it when her hair whipping and shining on her performance. And with pentene her hair looks perfect. It's different from her rival because her rival's hair is tied up and looks not shining. Because a shining hair is looked when the hair is parsed.

Discussion about Extra Joss's Ads

Extra Joss is one energy drink powder produced by PT Bintang Toedjoe and launched since August 14 , 1994. The launch was triggered by the thought that increasingly more people who need energy drinks / health drinks , including from the social economic status ( SES ) medium down. The problem is , when the selling price of energy drinks have not been able to reach by the middle class down because there is no market player who made ​​the breakthrough so that product prices have become more affordable . Given PT Bintang Toedjoe core competence lies in pharmaceutical drugs in powder form and is packaged in a sachet , then Toedjoe Star intends presenting a health drink powder in sachet packaging anyway . By doing so , Stars Toedjoe able to reduce the cost of sales because the product does not require bottled and transportation becomes more efficient.
According to the advertisment there are 5 projected in it :

1. Urgency
· Increase the stamina in our body
· Make your body fresher

2. Feasibilty
If we don’t consume it, our stamina wouldn’t increase

3. Mechanism
· Serve with milk and ice
· Drink before doing the activity

4. Solvency
We can run very fast, we can jump higher

5. Lies
If we consume it too much it can damage our kidney, because it consist a instant sweeteners

This product is energy drink which the most demand nowadays. Although so many new product release